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Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Baby Basics with Rockababy

I'm Desiree Cluff, Vancouver's Baby Guru here to share with you my insider info and tips.

This blog is designed to keep you informed and up to date on hot topics that parents are looking to seek more information on, and to create discussion and support within the blog and our Mommy community.

We will be discussing a wide variety of exciting topics such as, sleep, nutrition, development, product information, behavioral issues, potty training, child proofing and much more.

I will also be sharing up coming events around town to keep all my Mommas in the know!

Everyone loves a good laugh and you can bet I'll be posting some hilarious stories to make us all remember that we aren't the only ones whose babies sleep with a vaccumm cleaning running in their room, or who don't sleep at all!

Welcome to Rockababy, I can't wait to start chatting with you!

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